Software vbscript eclipse free download

Where can I download the vbscript eclipse software for free? I need a legit version with product key. Thank you.

Where can I download the vbscript eclipse software for free? I need a legit version with product key. Thank you.
You wanted to download VB script eclipse. This has some versions. You can try 6.33.21 plugins. This version is good and may not give any headache to you on the process of installation and use. On web you may find many pages and links that shall lead you to such kind of download, but most of them are affected by viruses and malware contamination and not at all safe for your pc. I tried to find some links for you that are secure. Try them:
You may need help on installation and other things. This link may help you:
If you want a vbscript plug-in for Eclipse, you can try WFE Wordfile Editor – it is a standalone, flexible, and easy to use editor for Eclipse for all text-based programming languages. It comes with a set of pre-defined wordfiles for C/C++, C#, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Perl, PHP, Ruby, VBScript, Visual Basic, and XML.
It is based on IDM UltraEdit and the idea of UltraEdit wordfiles for syntax highlighting which tries to adopt UltraEdit's viewpoint for the Eclipse workbench. But the editor itself doesn’t require UltraEdit to function. Also, the editor supports any UltraEdit wordfile configuration that’s why it is possible to actually highlight every programming language. The content assistants and code folding are based on the wordfile inputs.