Software for viewing Vector Font WMF Graphics
I transferred my all text files from normal font to wmf, but some alphabetic are invisible. What supportive software can be helpful for vector font wmf graphics?
I transferred my all text files from normal font to wmf, but some alphabetic are invisible. What supportive software can be helpful for vector font wmf graphics?
There are many tools that support wmf graphics. The reason to your problem may be unsupported software. Follow the steps below:
1. Always download software from a trusted website only. Do not download from third party websites. These websites say that they offer downloads for free but after you download them, they will flood your computer with spam. So download software from trusted website only even if it is priced.
2. Check the formats supported by the software that you used. If wmf is not supported, then use a software that supports wmf format.
3. Check the compatibility on your computer. Before downloading a software, check whether it is compatible on your system or not.