Solution with 169 ip address

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

good day!

I cannot connect to the internet. when i checked the ip address on the DOS prompt, it says that my ip address is 169. I checked my network adapter and it says its working properly. I have another computer that can connect to the internet with the same modem/router that i am using. I would like to know What is the best solution when you get a 169 ip address on your computer?

Answered By 0 points N/A #152159

Solution with 169 ip address


Releasing the IP address
Open command prompt. Type the command “ipconfig /flushdns”. Then wait until it finishes the process. Then execute “ipconfig /release”, once it releases everything. Type “ipconfig /renew”.

Disabling the Ethernet Adapter

Disable and re enable the network adaptors so that IP will be assigned to your computer.
If it does not happen restart the computer and try the above steps again.
If even then the IP is not assigned to your computer.Restore your router to factory setting.

Check the Ethernet cable

Sometimes a bad Ethernet cable can cause your system to receive a 169 IP address, try changing out the cable for a new one.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #309481

Solution with 169 ip address


If the other computer can connect to the internet but your computer cannot on the same Wi-Fi router, try enabling DHCP on your computer. On your computer, click “Start,” “Control Panel,” “Network and Internet Connections,” and then “Network Connections.” Here, right-click your connection or network and select “Properties.” On the Local Area Connection dialog, in “General” tab, scroll down and select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” then click “Properties.”

Local Area Connection Properties
Local Area Connection Properties

On the next screen, select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” then click “OK.”

Internet Protocol Properties
Internet Protocol Properties

DHCP is now enabled on your computer. Restart your computer then see if it works. When DHCP is activated or enabled, your computer will fetch the IP address and DNS server addresses directly from your Internet Service Provider or ISP when you start the computer. Before your computer can connect to the internet, your machine should have a valid IP address and a working set of DNS server addresses.

Also, your IP address must be unique in your network. If you have another computer connected to the same router where your computer is connected, the IP address of each computer must be unique or different from one another. Enabling DHCP ensures that your computer is allocated with a unique IP address. DHCP stands for “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.”

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