solution of error what does internal server error means

Asked By 250 points N/A Posted on -

Hey all, I was surfing to some websites but suddenly since yesterday, an error is showing up on the window like the image below-

Can anyone guide me on what does internal server error means?

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Answered By 0 points N/A #330565

solution of error what does internal server error means


Buddy this error is very common with websites surfing. Firstly, I’ll tell you what does internal server error means.

An HTTP 500 Internal Server Error means your web server is experiencing problems, but it can’t pinpoint the specific error or its root causes. When this happens, your website will serve up a general internal server error web page to your site’s visitors. Depending on the website, you may see the message “500 Internal Server Error”, “500 Error”, “HTTP Error 500”, “500. That’s an error”, “Temporary Error (500)”, or just the error code “500”.

To fix this error apply the following methods-


Method (i) Server permission

Method(ii) Server timeout

Method(iii) Script timeout

Method(iv) Check the error logs

Method(v) Clear your browser cookies and cache

Method(vi) Reload or Refresh the Webpage

I hope you have understood the technique to solve this type of error.

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