Solution Of Frm 50027 Error Occurring While Using Oracle

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I was using Oracle today while using Interval Day to Second Datatype, frm 50027 error starts appearing. How can I fix this error?

Answered By 20 points N/A #320741

Solution Of Frm 50027 Error Occurring While Using Oracle


To fix this frm 50027 error while using Interval Day to Second Datatype, follow the steps given below-

  • Create a table called ‘test’ in Designer 10g.
  • Create a column called ‘test_col’ having data type ‘Interval Day to Second’ in Designer 10g.
  • Create the server model on a 10g database.
  • Now the column has the datatype ‘Interval Day to Second’ in 10g Database.
  • Make a module component linked to the table ‘test’ in the design editor.
  • Generate a bound item that links to the test_col column. The format mask is HH: MI.
  • Generate the form.

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