Solution To Error 80072f76

Why am I continually receiving error 80072f76, is it safe to ignore this error? If no, then how can I answer this error, and why does this error occur?


Why am I continually receiving error 80072f76, is it safe to ignore this error? If no, then how can I answer this error, and why does this error occur?
You generally receive this error when you are checking for updates; this error might be caused because of connection interruption between windows update server and your computer. No, it is not at all safe to ignore this error as it might be dangerous if you keep avoiding it. Your system can be infected with a virus or a Trojan.
If this error keeps on occurring again and again then wait for 10 to 15 minutes and, then try again by clicking on windows update. If still, the error exists then you need to run the automatic troubleshooter. For that install, the windows update troubleshooter, in the file download dialog box click run then install the update again.
Make sure you hold a decent internet connection, and all the firewalls are turned off.