Solved: Promox Cluster Not Ready (quorum)

Hello friends, this time I would like to ask how I can overcome the task error: cluster not ready – no quorum? And how long will it take to solve the problem?

Hello friends, this time I would like to ask how I can overcome the task error: cluster not ready – no quorum? And how long will it take to solve the problem?
Distancing the proxy server first with the command
# ssh username @ IPServer
Enter the password and press Enter. the
First, we need to stop the Corosync and Veve cluster services on our Proxmox server with the command
Then, restart the file system cluster in local mode with the following command:
# pmxcfs -l
Finally, delete the remaining Corosync configuration files by using the following command:
# rm /etc/pve/corosync.conf
# rm / etc / corosync / *
Then, try running the virtual machine on the Proxmox again, whether it succeeded or not. In my experience, this method works.