Solving 204038 Wii Error

I am getting an error in my wii console that gives the error code 204038. I tried to find the solution on many forums but didn’t receive any help. Any support in solving this 204038 wii error will be praised!


I am getting an error in my wii console that gives the error code 204038. I tried to find the solution on many forums but didn’t receive any help. Any support in solving this 204038 wii error will be praised!
The Wii console could not connect to the Wii-Look channel.
Check for any radio interference that could affect the signal strength of the Wii console. Try the following to minimize radio interference:
Be sure to turn off various wireless devices, such as phone phones or wireless speaker devices, where the Wii console allocates free space when no physical object or science obstructs the signal. . (For example, if the Wii is in a very secure wall unit, you should try moving it to a place with a lot of space.)
Change the channel setting of your router to one or eleven. By default, most routers send half a dozen channels that intersect with different channels and are weaker.
There may be a short-term network problem with Nintendo servers. Please wait a few hours and look again at the network channel