Solving Samsung Printer Error Code “50” Manually.

My laser printer is suddenly showing a Samsung printer error code“50.” I have no clue regarding this error and its troubleshooting. Can anyone help me with this?

My laser printer is suddenly showing a Samsung printer error code“50.” I have no clue regarding this error and its troubleshooting. Can anyone help me with this?
It is a quite common error in Samsung laser printers which appears on the display screen due to some problem in the “Fuser.” The main reason being that the “Fuser” is not heating up properly. To sort this out, try to unplug the printer for about 15 minutes. Then switch it back in. There are chances that the error message won’t appear again, but if it does so, then you have no other option than to call the service center for help.
In Samsung Laser printer, you may get error code 50 when trying to print. This code indicates a malfunction in the fuser which means the fuser is not heating up. To fix the problem, try turning off your laser printer or reset it for about 15 minutes and then turn it back on. See if this fixes the problem.
If this doesn’t fix it, the problem could indicate a fault in the fuser assembly. It can also be caused by a problem in the AC power. Check that your printer is plugged in properly in the AC outlet. If the problem continues, bring the printer to a qualified service center for proper servicing.