Solving Social Club Dll Download Error
When I try to install LA Noire on my computer I get social clud dll error. Please set up the social club (Info: socialclub.dll download) “. but am I fixing that?
When I try to install LA Noire on my computer I get social clud dll error. Please set up the social club (Info: socialclub.dll download) “. but am I fixing that?
Try to manually enter the latest version of Social Club via a direct link here.
If that does not work, try uninstalling the program from scratch and reinstalling it. In Windows 7, click the Windows icon at the top of the menu, and then click the power device to select the correct appearance of the menu appearance. In Control Panel, click Uninstall a program. Scroll down until you find LA Noire, select it, and click Uninstall on the menu bar. Follow a similar method to completely uninstall the Rockstar Games Social Club app from the PC. After uninstalling all programs using the latest technology, go to the following location: C \ Users \ (username) \ Documents \ Rockstar Games
Delete the folder “Social Club” and “LA Noire” in this folder (this may affect the progress of the game.) If you have already progressed, you will need to duplicate all your saved files.) Once this is done, repeat the installation procedure for LA Noire. After reinstallation, make sure to put the sport in the default directories. If the problem persists and you victimize the version of Steam: check the sports cache on Steam to make sure all necessary files are on your system. In addition, manually launch the Social Club installer: steamapps / common / lanoire / 3rd.