My HP LaserJet printer started giving an error when I scanned the documents and sent them to e-mail. It was unable to do so and on checking the log files; it said Event 44.10 01 SMTP Protocol Error. What is the solution to this problem?
Solving The Event 44.10 01 SMTP Protocol Error, In Hp Printers
Follow these steps to remove the error –
1. In the network settings, locate the printer, and look for its IP address.
2. Open the address in a browser. When the printer’s local properties are displayed, then choose the scan and mail option click Outgoing email profiles.
3. Create a new one and put your email address and a Display name. Remember the Display name we will need it further.
4. Fill the mail setting as follows –, 465, check the SSL box, check the authentication box, type your email as username and the email password.
5. Continue till save and test.
6. If the test results are successful, then you will not receive any problem, but, if it fails to go to the network settings, set the preferred DNS as and alternate DNS as
7. Run the test again, it will not fail now, and the issue will be resolved. If in any case the test fails and the problem continues, then call a service center or Hp support.