Hello expert,
I am using JSHint to validate JavaScript. Is there some other possible JavaScript validation method to validate. Please can you submit any easy way to validate the JavaScript?
Some other possible JavaScript validator method to validate
Yes, there are a lot of other tools to validate your JavaScript. Below are few of them that can be used for your purpose.
1. JSLint (http://www.jslint.com/) – This is similar to JSHint and has an online interface to check.
2. JavaScript Lint (http://www.javascriptlint.com/online_lint.php).
– This is also similar to JSHint and has an online interface to check.
3. J3Unit (http://j3unit.sourceforge.net/) – This is an another tool where you can use for unit testing as well.
4. JsUnit (https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_validation.asp) – This can invoked from ant build file and launches browsers when run the tests and it is an Eclipse plug-in.
Hope you will find these tools are valuable and easy to validate your written JavaScript.