Some Problem Occurred While Downloading Windows Version Through WSUS Which Gives 0x8024410 Error

What is the 0x80244010 error? Why Windows Server Update Service gives out this error and explains the steps to resolve this error code.

What is the 0x80244010 error? Why Windows Server Update Service gives out this error and explains the steps to resolve this error code.
0x80244010 error is a WSUS (Windows Server Update Service) error that occurs in the computer as well as it also occurs to the devices which receive the update from the Windows Updates servers. The error code display “Exceeded max server round trips: 0x80244010,” which means that the maximum number of requests to the update server that is Windows Server Update Service has been exceeded when scanning the updates. According to the (SUS_E_PT_EXCEEDED_MAX_SERVER_TRIPS), it is indicated by the Windows Update Error code. Every client will be disconnected by the server if they exceed maximum trip numbers and returns the error 0x80244010. This error can also occur due to the poor or unstable internet connection to the WSUS server or when a client needs to receive too many updates.
The easiest way is to click the Try Again button on a client several times in the Windows Update in the Control Panel or run this command: “wuauclt.exe /detectnow.”
If the error is not resolved, then turn off your computer for several hours and then try again to update the application and ensure that the internet connection is stable and strong during the update.