Some process is operating in the background

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

hi dear

plz tell me this reasons

Some process is operating in the background to deselect what I'm working on.

No matter what window I'm working on, it de-selects itself for 8 seconds, comes back for another minute, only to repeat again. It happened while I was typing this note. I can re-select with a click but I have to look closely to see which characters haven't been entered. This is a very annoying problem and nothing I've tried has gotten rid of it. I'm almost at the point of wiping the disk and starting over.

best regards

Best Answer by Rogers U
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #118175

Some process is operating in the background



There are multiple reason for this issue, and  could be Hardware as well as software issues.

If Software issue, then it require a detailed scan of your computer for Virus and Malware activity. Furthermore, you may open the task Manager  an check which programs are running under application menu. and the running Programs  are recognized by you.  However, the best option for you is to use a good Antivirus and Anti Malware software

Answered By 590495 points N/A #118177

Some process is operating in the background


I can not think of any error that may happen in Windows that will result in that kind of odd behavior in the system. With all the errors I have encountered when I’m fixing a computer, this is the first time I heard that a desktop became alive and can switch or select and deselect an active window on its own. As if it has its own artificial intelligence.

It’s kind of scary to work while your computer behaves like that. The best way that you can do is format the whole hard drive. You have something in your system that makes those actions. Install a fresh copy of Windows and this time use a different antivirus. Try Norton Antivirus and McAfee Antivirus.

Answered By 20 points N/A #118178

Some process is operating in the background


Hello Ahmadraza,

That is so strange, and a program that is behaving like that on your computer cannot be just any other program with good intention. It is possibly a trojan or a virus, and it may be gotten on your system by sharing some files from another computer or downloading files from the internet.

You will have to perform a full scan of your system using a strong and updated antivirus so as to remove that malware. Some of the antivirus that are strong enough to eliminate such malware are AVG and kaspersky. Install one  on the computer and perform a full system scan with them.

Also run system restore to restore the system to state before you started having that problem.


Mahesh Babu

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