Spam IP ignored simulation games lan

I has been using free simulation games lan since two months. Suddenly my IP displayed as banned. How can it happen and how to resolve this problem?

I has been using free simulation games lan since two months. Suddenly my IP displayed as banned. How can it happen and how to resolve this problem?
Normally, banning of IP addresses on online games rarely happens not unless you commit grave violation that will really result on banning of your account or maybe with your IP address too. The banning of the IP address is done by the game server where you play the game. If you are sure that you did not commit any violation that will result to banning, you should immediately contact the customer support of the game’s website to let them know about your situation. Banning of IP addresses is not done automatically by the game server instead is being monitored by the game master and other support personnel.
I do play online games and that’s why I’m aware of this and I already tried reporting an incident of account infiltration before when my account was robbed of all the money I earned from within the game. The problem I encountered was really done from the server because other users were also being robbed not only their money but with the equipments they find in the game. But they wouldn’t admit that.