When using M3U playlist, some special characters in file name are not read by VLC?
La lecture du fichier a echoue:
VLC n'a pas pu ouvrir le fichier <<E:ComedieKaamelott Livre 530 – Lavenement du
sanguinaire.avi >>.
Votre media d'entree ne peut etre ouvert:
VLC ne peut pas ouvrir
<< file:///E:/Com%C3%A9die%Kaamelott%20Livre%205/30%20-%20L%C2%92avenement%20d
u%20sanguinaire.avi >>. Verifiez les messages pour plus de details.
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Special character compatibility using M3U playlist
The file used here is encoded in Windows-1252, instead of ISO8859-1 or UTF-8. And there is no way to deal with it. Encode the files correctly.
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The used M3U file includes byte value 0x92. As the file paths are clearly not UTF-8, VLC converts those from ISO 8859-1( Latin -1). And that is why the byte value 0x92 is interpreted as U+0092 that is a non-printable character. It does not reject the value but it can't print it.
Have you understood it?Â
I think yes.
Special character compatibility using M3U playlist
There is actually no solution to this if you want to make VLC media player to read accented characters. VLC media player only reads standard UTF unaccented text formats. If you usually play media files on VLC media player by simply loading the M3U playlist, the playlist should not contain any accented characters either in the filename or in the path of the file.
If there is an accented character either in the path of the file or in the filename itself, it should be converted or changed into the non-accented format. Like for example, if there is an È, É, Ê, or Ë, it should be converted to the standard E format without the accent. If you have a character like Æ or æ, you can change it into AE or ae.
There is no way of making VLC media player to read accented characters. To download the latest version, visit VLC media player.