Split view file manager For MS Access file

I want to split out an MS Access 2010 document into five different topics. Which version of split view file manager supports MS Access to split the file?

I want to split out an MS Access 2010 document into five different topics. Which version of split view file manager supports MS Access to split the file?
I had a hard time finding a program that can split files into several chunks or smaller files which then lifts the burden of consuming too much time sending big files. HJSplit is a freeware application that lets you split and or re-combine files. This program works with Windows, Linux, Macintosh, BSD, Windows 3.x, DOS, OS/2, Java, Amiga, and PHP.
All HJSplit editions are compatible with each other and allow you to exchange files between different operating systems. For example, a file split done in Linux can be joined or re-combined on Windows 7 and vice versa. It is usually easier to send, receive, upload, and or download smaller parts than handle the entire file in one go. To download HJSplit, you may visit HJ-Split|Freeware multi-platform file splitters.