SpyBot S&D update error problem

I was checking for Spybot S&D updates and got this error.
Did anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

Error retrieving update info file! Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused.

I was checking for Spybot S&D updates and got this error.
Did anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
Error retrieving update info file! Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused.
Hallo Charles,
You will need to check the security settings of the firewall you are using on your computer and ensure that the Spybot S&D application is not listed among the applications that have been blocked by the firewall. That will be of help to you if you have to get into the updates.
In the event that Spybot S&D on your computer is blocked, it may also be possible that the server is unavailable temporarily. You should therefore wait for a few minutes and then try again.
In the event that the above workarounds do not help, you will need to download the updates manually from the following links: or Direct Download Link.
If that error appeared while checking for updates, make sure no other applications are running. Close any unnecessary applications and then try checking for updates again and see if it works. If this didn’t work, restart your computer and try again. Don’t open any applications aside from your Spybot program. If it didn’t work, check if your internet connection is working.
The error was triggered because it failed to fetch the update info file. This can be caused by your internet connection. Open your web browser and visit a website then try clicking some links. If your internet connection is working but you cannot check for updates, try doing it again some other time or during off-peak hours.
Because the program triggered a socket error which means your connection was denied indicated by the message “Connection refused,” the update server is probably full and can no longer accommodate any more connection requests. Try updating the program again after a couple of hours.