I am trying to upgrade SQL Server 2008 to 2008 R2.
But, after upgrading the shared components it says, The SQL Server (<Instance Name>) service terminated with service-specific error 17058 (0x42A2).
I have tried many processes but got no result.
Please suggest me the possible reason for this along with the answer.
SQL server – service terminated with specific error 17058
Hi John
I can tell you of one possible solution for this problem.
Instead of installing the server through autorun, try to install it manually by right clicking and clicking open and run setup as administrator.
If that does not resolve the problem then try this. Uninstall the R2 200 server and reinstall it again.
This will help if the fault is with the installation. If this fails too then the problem is with your setup file.
If you can, get another setup file for R2 2008 and install it . In the meantime you have to manage with SQL server 2008.