SSD Firmware Update Tool Error

I was trying to update SSD Firmware from 1.3 to 1.3.3 but the updater (in administrator mode) is returning an error as shown below.
FATAL-ERROR: Firmware download failure with error: (eCode:00000057).

I was trying to update SSD Firmware from 1.3 to 1.3.3 but the updater (in administrator mode) is returning an error as shown below.
FATAL-ERROR: Firmware download failure with error: (eCode:00000057).
Go to your Device Manager and search for AHCI driver. It should be located under the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers. Tight-click into it and then under the Drivers tab, click the Update Drivers button. You will be asked to search in the internet or on your computer. Select to search on your computer. Choose the Let me pick the driver option. It should be located in C:/windows/system32/drivers. Select the driver named msahci. It will revert the controller to the windows controller for AHCI. Reboot your computer. After a reboot, you will see a balloon with a message that Windows is loading drivers. If you can see that message, the problem is already fix.
Alternatively, download the Corsair SSD Toolbox. If your SSD is under AHCI mode, you can update through this toolbox. The firmware update needs to be in AHCI mode. Once you selected the firmware update, it will scan your drive and check if there is an update available. If there is an update, you will be prompted and asked if you want to download the update or just cancel it.
Then, the next window will ask you to backup your data before you continue the update. Simply select Apply and once it has been updated, close the toolbox.
Other useful features of Corsair SSD Toolbox can be found on their website.