Hi TechyV,
Have you any idea for the SSL certificate error? I received an error message regarding this on Ubuntu while upgrading.
Have a look at the error message below. What does it mean?
If you have any idea, please help me to get a remedy.
Thanks for all support.
SSL Certificate Error
Unable to validate certificate
The certificate for omega.contact .msn.com could not be validated. The certificate chain presented is invalid.
SSL Certificate Error – Unable to validate certificate
Hello Jeff,
This error message occurred because of auto updates you can solve this problem by using GUI method by following these steps. First close Pidgin, find your certificate folder, Windows: %appdate%purple, Linux:/home/.perple. After find certificate folder delete everything in the certificate folder finally restart pidgin and eventually you should get a new certificate that works
SSL Certificate Error – Unable to validate certificate
Hi Jeff,
The first and foremost step is to remove the invalid cerÂtifiÂcate. Go to Tools->Certificates.
Next you need to try to reconÂnect and it may get a valid cerÂtifiÂcate, then we are done.
If we are not, then you can do the following:
echo QUIT | openssl s_client –conÂnect omega?.con?tacts?.msn?.com:443 | openssl x509 > omega?.con?tacts?.msn?.com
And copy that file to: ~/.purple/certificates/x509/tls_peers
Hope this helps.