Asked By
William S
0 points
Posted on - 10/14/2011
Hey, I hope someone can help me with the problem considering the start up of the Softgrid Management Console. The problem is the connection to SoftGrid System which from some reason isn’t working and just keeps displaying the following error:
“Application virtualization management Console
Unable to log into the Application Virtualization System.
Invalid user name or password.
Error code: 0000C801”.
That’s all I have from details. Thank you for your time and effort.
Start up of Softgrid Management Console
This problem can occur if one or more of the following thing’s happened The specified port is invalid or the port that is specified in the Port field is not a port that the Web server is listening on. Note that The Port field always appears in the Connect to Soft Grid System dialog box or in the Configure Connection dialog box in the Soft Grid Management Console or your Basic authentication is not enabled or the Integrated Windows authentication is not enabled. Ensure all of this and to verify authentication you need to follow this steeps from this site :