I would like to know more about Adobe Flash CS4. Can you please enumerate the parts of the environment of Flash? What is frame rate? How essential this is in a Flash project? Can you show me what are the tools that I can use in making a Flash project? Does it include color adjustments and dimension set up of the project? Can you show me how to change or modify the document properties? Can you show me also how to save a project in Flash CS4? Please help me with this.
Thank You!
Starting a new Flash project and knowing the tools
Hello Joseph!
Here are the parts of Adobe Flash Environment.
1.      Menu Bar – similar to Microsoft Bar including File, Edit, View, Modify menus, etc. and more.
2.      Layers Window – contains the layers of the project.
3.      Timeline – The duration of the project and transition.
4.      Toolbar – Contains all tools necessary in creating project.
5.      Work Area – The entire screen in creating project.
6.      Stage – the main white window in Work Area.
7.      Property Inspector– it changes according to the tools that you’re going to use.
8.      Panels – contains color adjustments and other presets.
Frame rate is the duration and speed of the transition of animation file. It is important for animator to know this and be aware during the creation to know which part of the event and when to execute the next part of imagery. Here are the tools that we can use in your project.
1.      Selection and Sub Selection Tool
2.      Line Tool
3.      Lasso Tool
4.      Pen Tool
5.      Text Tool
6.      Oval Tool
7.      Shape Tool
8.      Pencil Tool
9.      Brush Tool
10.  Free Transform
11.  Fill Transform
12.  Stroke Tool
13.  Paint Bucket
14.  Eyedropper
15.  Eraser
16.  Snap to Objects
17.  Hand Tool
18.  Zoom options
19.  Stroke Color
20.  Fill Color
21.  Set to Black + White, No Color and Swap Colors
To change properties for your document click first on the stage >> go to Property Inspector window. In side this window you can change the Size of the document as well its real-time output size. You can change also the background color, settings on how to publish the document.