Steps For The Runtime Error 7 Out Of Memory For Reference

Hello, brief for the runtime error 7 out of memory and notify the steps of its solutions too and reply asap for it and thanks for solving too.

Hello, brief for the runtime error 7 out of memory and notify the steps of its solutions too and reply asap for it and thanks for solving too.
Hey, the runtime error 7 out of memory is occurred in the VB programs in the windows systems. Also it is listed in the portion of the VB codes and is currently selected too and may be it won’t be listed anymore. The solution for it is shows in below steps:
• First go to Start > search box> type regedit
• Next locate the registry and its sub key.
• Now right click on the windows entry and click for modify options
• Next in the value data block manually locate the shared section and increase the value too
• It’s done successfully.
“Out of memory” error appears in different cases. Sometimes you will see something like “Out of memory (Error 7)” or “Runtime error 7: Out of memory” or sometimes just “Out of memory”. Variations differ according to applications but they are all pointing to the same problem, shortage of resources. If you encounter this error, check if you have other programs running.
If you have other programs running, try closing one or more and resume what you are doing. If this doesn’t work, close all applications and restart the computer. Restart what you are doing and see what happens. To avoid seeing this error again in the future, add more RAM to your computer. If this is not an option, one workaround is to increase your virtual memory.
Right-click “My Computer” and select “Properties”. Select “Advanced” tab and click “Settings” under “Performance”.
On the next screen, select “Advanced” tab and click “Change” under “Virtual memory”.
On the next screen, select “Custom size” and enter the values in “Initial size” and “Maximum size”. If “Custom size” is already selected, simply try increasing the values. To avoid fragmentation on the page file, make both values the same so the page file is in fixed size. After entering the values, click “Set” then “OK”. Restart your computer when you are prompted.