Steps For The Scan Network For Open Ports And Features Too

Hello, notify the steps for the scan network for open ports and its features too and thanks for solving the same and reply ASAP for it too.

Hello, notify the steps for the scan network for open ports and its features too and thanks for solving the same and reply ASAP for it too.
Hey, to scan network for open ports you need to go online and enter the hostname manually then it will scan the ports automatically after entering the same and turn on or off the various options as per your wish and start the process it will detect the same in few minutes as well. Below shows the key features of it:
• It has easy access to the resources
• Has fast multithreading too
• Can have the remote access too
• Can wake up the LAN mode too
• Also runs the commands over the cmd
If you are looking for a port scanner or an application that can scan a remote computer for open ports, try using Famatech Advanced Port Scanner. It supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x, and Windows 10.
This application is a free network scanner that allows you to look for open ports on network computers and acquire the versions of the program running on the detected ports. It includes the following features:
Another one you can try is Nmap. The name stands for “Network Mapper”. It is a free, open-source utility for security auditing and network discovery. It is a security scanner application originally written by Gordon Lyon or known also as “Fyodor Vaskovich”, his pseudonym. It is used to discover hosts and services on a computer network therefore building a map of the network.
For the full documentation on using Nmap, head down to Nmap Reference Guide.