Steps To Fix ITunes 3194 Error
Explain each of the steps to fix iTunes 3194 error and attach the screenshot of the necessary steps.
Explain each of the steps to fix iTunes 3194 error and attach the screenshot of the necessary steps.
iTunes 3194 error is an error which is caused due to request which comes from an outdated application. The steps to fix iTunes 3194 error is to update your application to the latest version. The error can come by several other names, and that is as follows:
• Error 17
• Error 1639
• Errors 3000 – 3020
• Errors 3100 – 3999
• Error 3194
• This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
When the system server connects with Apple server and requests the information for an outdated application, then this error occurs and check the Apple Store and update the iTunes application.