Steps To Install AD Tools Windows 7 On PC.

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, I am running my PC on Windows 7 and need to learn to install AD tools windows easily. I need to have a good base on this. Can you provide me the procedure?

Answered By 0 points N/A #299560

Steps To Install AD Tools Windows 7 On PC.


The AD users and Computers Tools come along with the Server Tools. You have to install this to add the Active Directory (AD) features on your PC. Iterate as shown below:

  1. Install the package after downloading from Microsoft store.
  2. Click Yes on the ensuing box and accept the terms.
  3. Installing will take some time and close it after completion.
  4. Open Programs and Feature and click on the link to turn on the features of Windows.
  5. Go to AD DS Tools from the Remote Server Administration Tools and tick mark the box.
  6. Save the changes by clicking OK.

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