Steps to install Telnet software for Windows 7?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hey people, I want to configure Switches or Routers using Telnet, but it is not enabled or installed by default in Windows 7, so please help in installing Telnet software for windows 7.

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Answered By 40 points N/A #330312

Steps to install Telnet software for Windows 7?


Hey basically, Telnet is used to connect remote hosts.  When you open the command prompt and enter telnet/, it shows as “telnet not recognized as a command:.” Don’t worry, you can install telnet easily by below few steps.

Five easy steps to install Telnet Software :

  • Step 1: Click on the start; go to the control panel.
  • Step 2: From there, go to program and features.
  • Step 3: Go to Turn Windows features on and off.


  • Step 4: Next, select Telnet Client, and click on ok button, then it will start installing the Telnet feature in the client PC, then only you can connect to the Telnet server, or else you will get an error message.
  • Step 5: To check whether the Telnet was installed successfully, go to command prompt and type telnet/.

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