Steps To Reset Office 2010 Settings Tips

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I opened a new word document today but I found out that all the default settings were altered. I need to make it to default settings. Can someone help me reset office 2010 settings?

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Answered By 60 points N/A #299391

Steps To Reset Office 2010 Settings Tips



Run Microsoft Fixit solution after downloading it from the link-

Open the word file required and from the options given in the pop-up screen select recommended settings and then click ok. This will reset the office settings on your PC.


Follow the steps-

  1. In start menu select run and in the box enter regedit.
  2. Click ok which will open regedit program.
  3. Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Office/14.0/Word key.
  4. Delete the key
  5. Restart the office program you want to run. It has been reset to default settings.

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