Steps To Troubleshoot Issues For Registration Of DNS Records Failed

 Hi. I would like to know the cause in case the registration of DNS records failed? What can be the steps to troubleshoot the problem? Please reply ASAP. Thanks In advance.

 Hi. I would like to know the cause in case the registration of DNS records failed? What can be the steps to troubleshoot the problem? Please reply ASAP. Thanks In advance.
Hi. The registration of DNS records failedbecause the host might not be configured properly to allow DNS updates. The settings might be so as to use the external DNS server. The steps to check if the DNS updates are configured or not are-
1) Log in using the admin credentials
2) Click on start, then control panel and then click on network connections twice
3) Under the network connections tab, select the properties option after you right-click on the local area connection option
4) After the LAN properties open, select IP and then select properties
5) In the IP properties, select advanced and then select the DNS tab
6) Make sure that the two options register this connection’s addresses in DNS and use this connection’s DNS suffix in DNS registration are selected
7) Click on OK Then, make sure that the DHCP is not turned off and if otherwise, check its status
1) Click on start menu, click on all programs and then select administrative tools. Then, click on services
2) Check that the status of the service is started and if not, then click on start after double-clicking on the DHCP client in the details tab
Hope we helped.