Stopping Service Host Local System From Using All Resources

How can I prevent the service host local system from using all system resources? It slows the system, reducing its efficiency.CPU utilization is more that it should be.

How can I prevent the service host local system from using all system resources? It slows the system, reducing its efficiency.CPU utilization is more that it should be.
RAM usage is more that 50% in a very short span of time. Most of the people reboot their system to make their system functional again.But that is not the solution. The reason behind this issue may be a virus or malware. You can try the following solutions.
(i) Try updating the Windows update client.
(ii) Scan your system and check if any virus or malware is affecting your system.
(iii) You can download if any windows update is available.
(iv) Try disabling the Background Intelligent Transfer Service and wvauserv service.
wuauserv is a windows update service. You can do it by following these steps:
Press the Windows key+R and then type services.msc and then click OK.
If you want to maintain or balance the resources on your computer and maintain system responsiveness, you can use Process Lasso. I use this personally so that no program or service is hugging the system which makes the performance very slow. This tool gives you full control over running processes.
If there are applications that get stuck after starting Windows, you can use Process Lasso to restart that program. The program has several functions similar to that of Windows Task Manager but according to the developer, the program is not designed as replacement for the Windows Task Manager. Among its features include: