Stopwatch VBA access coding having start, stop & reset buttons

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv Friends,

I would like to create a customized Stop Watch using VBA. Will anyone be able to provide stopwatch VBA access coding, which will a form having start, stop & reset buttons. Please do the needful for helping me by providing the same.

Thanks & Regards,

Anna Weiss

Answered By 5 points N/A #138480

Stopwatch VBA access coding having start, stop & reset buttons



Hi! I attached here the sample code in making stopwatch in VBA using excel follow this instruction on how will you apply this in you excel:
1. Copy all the code in the attachment given below
2. Launch your excel and press ALT + F11 then you will be entered in VBE
3. Press the Ctrl + R and it will display the Project Explorer
4. Double click in the worksheet in where you want to add the code
5. Paste the code that you copied into the right pane
6. Press ALT + Q  to quit in VBE
7. Save your work
This is how to test your work:
1. Enter a value you want in column A
2. Double click the value and it will start playing
3. Double click again  the value while running and it will reset the specifies the interval
4. In the black cell, just double click to stop the Stopwatch

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