I’ve been using the Dreamweaver CS4 for years now and had not encountered any major problems. Till this morning, when I had encountered for the first time this strange error message after I attempt to open using the Dreamweaver CS4 an HTML file.
The following translators were not loaded due to errors:
PHP_MySQL.htm: has configuration information that is invalid.
Server Model SSI.htm: has configuration information that is invalid.
SpryWidget.htm: has configuration information that is invalid.
I hope someone in here could help me figure out this error warning. Â Thanks in advance.
Strange error in Dreamweaver CS4 an HTML file.
It sounds like this has something to do with your database. There are lots of external files linked to your database. Clean it up by using Clean Up Tool in the Command menu. Look for Clean Up HTML. Throw away that garbage. There is another way to resolve an internal javascript problem. Here’s how to do it. In your configuration folder, delete Filecache.dat files. Take note that the location of FilaCache.dat files depends on the Operating System you are running and the version of your Dreamweaver. Please be reminded that Application Data and App Data in Windows are set by default, so make sure that your Windows Explorer folder options are not hidden. Set to View Hidden Folders.