The Strong relation between English and Programming Languages

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Hi! Is it possible to develop a programming language which is exactly like English? I mean all the high level programming languages that we use are actually very close to human language(English) but still we have to follow some rules, like to declare an integer variable in C++ I will have to do the following "int a;". Is it possible to design a language which is exactly English, like to declare an integer variable all I have to say is "Declare an integer" and it works fine. I mean its possible right?

Answered By 0 points N/A #183391

The Strong relation between English and Programming Languages


Yes, it is completely possible to create a programming language that is very similar to English.

All the declarations and definitions in the language are defined in the library files. These files are used by compiler to check and verify the code.

For example: We use 'public static void main' in case of Java, and the compiler recognizes it. That means, language developer has defined it somewhere in the class file or library so that compiler is able to identify what to do when it encounters this line.

This all depends on the compiler design. Because it is the compiler only which converts the entire code written in high level language in to the machine language that a computer understands.

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