PC shuts down automatically upon playing games

Asked By 210 points N/A Posted on -


I am a hardcore gamer. My PC configuration is 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM, ATI 4830 and ASUS P55 motherboard. But with this configuration I am facing stuttering problem. When I started to play games or give heavy loads my PC stutters. Sometimes without any loads it stutters and restarts.

What is the problem guys? I am in great pain with it.

Please help me immediately.

Best Answer by Patrick Johnson
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #127242

PC shuts down automatically upon playing games


You are facing a hilarious problem I think. But you have some lack of information in your post. I have also had the same problem. Now I am saying it. But first I am saying that I am user of AVG antivirus and it is the culprit. I am a user of AVG internet security. I use it because of its firewall and resident shield. Now the problem maker is the Identity Protection in AVG.

When you write something in the PC memory its work is to check that file thoroughly. Now if a system file wants to write some data in the memory it is also checked by Identity Protection. Then it delays that program and it makes your PC to stutter.

Again there is another possibility. This is occurred in Asus Motherboard. There is a port called Jmicron Pata Controller in the device manager. You can disable this to stop this stuttering. Try these two and hope the problem is solved.

Answered By 0 points N/A #127243

PC shuts down automatically upon playing games


There are many reasons why automatic shutting down of computer when playing games. Incorrect installation, game compatibility with the hardware, updated DirectX, .NET framework and hardware problem.

Incorrect Installation of the video card:

  • Check your video if it is properly installed.
  • Uninstall your video card.
  • Download the latest version of the driver of your video card.
  • Install your video card.

Game compatibility with your video card and the game you want to play:

  • Visit the web site of your selected game if it supports the video card you are using.

DirectX and .NET framework:

  • Option 1: Download the latest update of DirectX and .NET framework.
  • Option 2: Turn on automatic update of your Operating System.

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