Submit mobile website to activate it in Mobile

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I have created mobile website for my company, do I need to submit mobile website to any place to get it activated in mobile. Please help, I don’t have an idea on that.

Best Answer by Steele Ney
Answered By 0 points N/A #188466

Submit mobile website to activate it in Mobile


Dear Travis Nelson,

Actually mobile phone users can see website as a mobile-optimized version. Only the owner must fill up a redirect script in the index.html file on their website. Now-a-days there a so many software those can automatically redirect your wordpress site to the mobile-optimized site when someone visits from their mobile device.

Thank you.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #188468

Submit mobile website to activate it in Mobile


If you want your mobile site or application available in both iOS and Android , you’ll require to have separate version for each. For you to be able to optimize your mobile site, I have few lists on here for you to consider:

a. If your mobile content has domain i.e then you should register this domain with Google Webmaster Tools. After these submit your mobile sitemap so you will know how you’re your ranking on Google.

Instruct me: Submit your sitemap under "Sitemaps" + "Add Sitemap" and then select "Mobile Sitemap". This might be useful concise instructions from Google on adding a mobile sitemap if you find you require assistance.

b. Remember your mobile website should have an XML sitemap for search engine masters to rapidly index it. This will allow you to see your mobile website on this prestigious marketing tool hub which is the mobiSiteGalore.

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