Suicide command to wipe virus

I have no idea about what exactly suicide command is about. While googling I have seen this tag line. Can any one tell me what is this about?

I have no idea about what exactly suicide command is about. While googling I have seen this tag line. Can any one tell me what is this about?
Julian Battles
You have asked a very interesting question. As we all know that the malwares as well as viruses propagating on the web are the creation of one person or a group of person with intentions of either stealing data or corrupting some data etc.
Now coming to your question, it was very recently identified (on 28th may) that a very complex and advanced Malware was circulating on the web specially in Middle East which collects and uploads information in several ways like recording audio, taking screen shots, compiling a list of nearby Bluetooth devices and much more. This Malware was dubbed as Flame or Skywiper, and has been in circulation since 2010 but was identified in May. This Malware or we can call it APT.
Recently, the creators of this APT most probably propagated another tool, dubbed as “Suicide Command”, which is designed to completely remove this APT from the infected computers and on advance stage also not only remove the APT but also overwrite the memory locations with gibberish to thwart forensic examinations.
No doubt the Flame / Skywiper is one of the most complex computer espionage threat ever, and in my opinion more than the famous “STUXNET”
If you are interested do read the article on: