Suggest a way to install virtual machine on windows 8

Hi there! I have a concern about installing Windows 8 in the Virtual Machine. I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate in 32-bit but I have been trying to download the virtual machine in Windows 8.
I was able to download Windows Virtual PC so I tried installing it first. Upon trying, my screen went blue with an error message saying “HAL Initiation Failure.’ As such, I tried installing VM Virtual Box instead. Unfortunately, it suddenly hung up as it reached 19% of the file unpacking and then it crashed.
I tried doing it again but it crashed when it reached 9%. I attempted to do it for the third time and it crashed when it reached at 1%. I went as far as cleaning all the Temp files, uninstalling, and reinstalling but the process hung at 6%. Since the first two failed, I tried System Central VMM but it said it wasn’t compatible with the OS I am using.
And though I have a spare laptop, I don’t want to risk the files in it should the computer crash. Is there any way for me to install a virtual machine without risking the operating system? I am really hoping you’ll help me. Thank you.