Suggestion on Choosing the Best and Fastest Browser Today

Just have my new laptop and I want to know what will be the best and faster browser to use. People out there kindly help me.

Just have my new laptop and I want to know what will be the best and faster browser to use. People out there kindly help me.
Whatever works for you. I am using mozilla now. I do not know about the other browsers but I am satisfied with mozilla. So if you want to give it a try, go for it.
Yeah, whatever works for you and you think the best just try it as there's no harm in trying.
At first I have tried Firefox and I find it hard for me to recommend it to anyone . For me it has too few features and am not really a fan of add ons as they only make the browser to perform very slow.
My best friend told me that Google Chrome is very user friendly. Do you both agree?
Yes friend I agree cause I am hearing other people that Firefox, Opera and Chrome are all excellent. But down the line, it really comes to your personal preference.
To download and install Opera Next, please watch this video:
LOL, my browser is not included on your list jomsdacuyanan. Maybe I will try these browsers as well. 🙂
Alright, thanks for all your suggestions. Time to download my browser now! I will try first Google chrome hehe..