Suggestions for putting Concentrator in each workstations

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Do I need concentrator  port for each workstation, or can workstations be chained together? Please help.

Answered By 95 points N/A #150726

Suggestions for putting Concentrator in each workstations


You can use concentrator port for your workstation. Within using it you can get this type of advantages I given below.

Actually it depends on what are the type of your workstations and what the diferences among your workstatioon to each other. Probably most important thing is that a concentrator can able to create a strong chain among your all workstation. Only for this reason, you can go through with concentrator port for your workstation.

Most of the administrator are rely on using SPCC (serial port console connections) to manage properly their physical servar. Though it provide a non graphical and low-bandwith remote coonsole for administrating your server, you can rely upon it. You can use vSphere 4.1 as a testing. Then you can make the decision. To having it visit here-

By creating a chain to your workstation it's really helpful to use serial concentrator port. Visit here also-

Best wishes for you. Thanks.

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