Suggestions to solve my problems regarding the Bluetooth drivers on Dreamplug

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


Everyone! Hoping to have some suggestions to solve my problems regarding the Bluetooth drivers on Dreamplug. It seems they are not working as expected. On an Intel Ubuntu linux, when I use the command-line obexftp client, everything works fine. But this is not the same for Dreamplug. Could the problem be with the bluetooth drivers not being compatible with Dreamplug?

Another thing, I was hoping somebody can answer these too:

1) Is the "btmrvl_sdio.ko" extension the code to get to the BT hardware? If not, can you tell me what it is? Like what file is it or where it is located?

2) When the device attempts to go online and download the recent updates of the drivers, is this supposed to be one of the solutions? Because I tried it and didn't seem to work at all.

If there's any other suggestion or solution you could share with me to make this work on DP, I would greatly appreciate the help! 

Answered By 10 points N/A #137710

Suggestions to solve my problems regarding the Bluetooth drivers on Dreamplug


Hello Romas,

It appears like you already have the drivers on your computer, but they could be having some bugs or they are out of date and that is why they are not working as expected. Try the following workarounds:

  • If you have not been able to use the Bluetooth drivers from the moment you installed them, then it is most likely that the problem leading to malfunctioning of the drivers occurred during the installation, or the setup you used had issues. You will therefore need to get another setup and then reinstall the Bluetooth drivers and see if that will resolve the issue.
  • If the problem started recently, it could be because the drivers are out of date. You will need to update them and see if the issue will be resolved.




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