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Posted on - 11/02/2011
Good day!
We have a switch server standard edition 2003 and STM database EDB plus , file increased to 76GB (exceeded 75GB), Three (3) months ago came up problems like mailbox stockpiles dismounted by itself and we have to manually mount it once more. It happens about once a week. We advised our users to archive their emails and it helped to fix the problem but now when I check the priv.edb and pub.stm, the size turn out to be even bigger (about 86GB).
Are there any suggestions to reduce the size?
Thank you…
Switch server standard edition 2003 and STM database EDB plus problem
Hallo Marcin,
I am so sure why that should be happening, but I guess that STM database EDB plus may be bigger compared to the standard edition server that you formerly had hence causing it to take up a lot of space on the system. This could be because it has more added features compared to the standard edition.
You may just consider backing up information or data that you do not use frequently on an external hard drive so as to free up more space on the server in case it may be slowing down in its operations. Also try cleaning up the server if any unused files that may have come up after the upgrade.
Hope this helps.
Mahesh Babu