Switching Between Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2003

How can I successfully switch between Exchange 5.5 hosted by Windows 2000 server and Exchange 2003 hosted by Windows Server 2003?

How can I successfully switch between Exchange 5.5 hosted by Windows 2000 server and Exchange 2003 hosted by Windows Server 2003?
If you want to do that, the best way to do it is with VirtualBox. Since both Microsoft Exchange applications are installed on different Microsoft Windows operating systems, installing one of the two operating systems on VirtualBox will allow you to do fast switching because the other operating system is running on a window in virtual machine. Visit Oracle VirtualBox and download the latest version.
Before attempting to install a second operating system via virtual machine, make sure your computer’s specifications can support running two operating systems simultaneously. VirtualBox supports Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris, and OpenSolaris as host operating system. For guest operating systems, visit VirtualBox Status: Guest OSes to check for compatibility. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is supported as guest operating system.