I have heard that Delphi is the best windows 7 tablet coding language. Brilliant GUIs can be developed with Delphi easily. My question is that where can I find syllabus of Delphi tutorials?
Syllabus regarding windows 7 tablet coding language tutorials?
If you are a beginner in programming and would like to learn Delphi for your future project, you may want to visit this site: https://www.thoughtco.com/beginners-guide-to-delphi-programming-1057657. This site does not offer any syllabus about Delphi tutorial but it actually offers a step by step tutorial for Delphi beginners.
However, you may find it hard to read and review this language if you will have to read directly from the computer. For that reason, I suggest you click this link and it will redirect you to a site that has a PDF guide on learning Delphi. Have it printed out so you can have a hard copy to read.