Sylpheed Mail Sending Problem in Lubuntu 11.10

Hello techyv, can you help me on this?
I want to incorporate my Hotmail account in Sylpheed: For example [email protected]. Advice from Hotmail was to use the following servers:
POP3-Server: (Port 995)
SMTP Server: (Port 25)
Also for SSL :
SSL for POP3 and SMTP
SMTP- Authentication
I used these settings but:
I'm able to receive emails but cannot send them, nothing happens for about 60 seconds then I get a message saying the session has timed out, and the message cannot be sent. I'm running Sylpheed 3.2.0beta3, Lubuntu 11.10
I have quite an old laptop, but I think it is up to the job: IBM A22m, only 256 MB RAM,850 MHz, 10GB HD. I chose to use Lubuntu because of my older laptop. It has worked great up until now, aside from Sylpheed! I am used to Windows so don't have a lot of experience with Linux.