Asked By
Adams Baker
60 points
Posted on - 09/27/2012
For synchronizing Zune HD, I tried to install Zune software. But it is frequently thrown the error message as attached below. I took necessary measures i. e. As an administrator and also confirmed the compatibility issue. But no result. Is there anyone who can help me?
Thanks in advance.
Can't create folder ‘CProgram FilesZune' (error Access is denied.).
Error code: 0x80070005
For synchronizing Zune HD, I tried to install Zune software
Hello Adams,
Hope you are in great trouble about your error associated problem and looking for a better reply to eradicate the problem. Doesn't worry here I am going to suggest you and after you following according to my suggestion you will be able to successfully eradicate the problem.
First you should be registered.
Right click the software and select run as Admin / you can choose custom installing and select a different folder to install.
Somehow your computer is not finding the administrator. If it persists as a primary suggestion I will say you need to uninstall the installed Zune HD and then reinstalled it and hope if any installed processing problem did happen that will be recovered by second installation and you also need to be answered about the original copy of the Zune HD software which you going to install.
Or maybe it's the problem of your PC authorization problem. Sometimes it happens though you are the admin of your PC but its show access denied when install or run any protected file.
For such kind of problem:
Start menu > Administrators > click run as administrator. Then go to the folder (/windows/system32/drivers/) which have the hosts file and editing it you can successfully get help to install the protected file despite direct installation.
Sometimes a security software blocks protected file to install and for that reason disable a limited time of your security software and change the security firewall and after installation you can change them to start protect from invasion.
Best of luck.