System Defragmenter virus/Malware often appearing during boot up

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -

Hi! Everyone,

Yesterday. I logged in to my computer and once it started, an error message popped up on my screen saying,

 “System Restore!
The system has been restored after a critical error. Data integrity and hard drive integrity verification required ".

I tried restarting my machine, but every time I log in to Windows or whenever I attempt to launch programs or delete files, I get the error message on my task bar. After trying out everything, it turns out it was a virus/ Malware called System Defragment that was able to slip past my McAfee Antivirus system and claims to be scanning my machine and hence displaying the numerous errors and prompting me to purchase the program in order to fix the errors. I did a full virus scan but McAfee still did not detect anything. What can I do to get rid of this Malware?

Thanks in advance.

Answered By 10 points N/A #127087

System Defragmenter virus/Malware often appearing during boot up


Dear Rayan,

  • You got this error:
  • System Restore The system has been restored after a critical error. Data integrity and hard drive integrity verification required”.
  • And you are right that is a virus / Malware. To remove this Malware, just do these steps:
  • First, you need to download and run Rkill. This would kill / stop any fictitious processes that are running on the system. (Do not restart your system as this will allow any fictitious programs to start). If you have a problem in running Rkill then download a new version from the same page with a different extension. Once you have run Rkill, download and install MalwareBytes. Update the latest definition and run a full system scan. This should remove the infection / Malware.
Take Care

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