Asked By
1180 points
Posted on - 06/22/2011
While you are working on a document, experiment a blackout is why my computer is not turned off.
When the power has been restored, I turn on my computer.
Displays an error message on the screen that says, windows have recovered from a serious error.
Microsoft Windows
The system has recovered from a serious error.
A log of this error has been created.
We created an error report that you can send to help us improve Microsoft Windows.
We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.
To see what data this error report contains, click here.
When I click do not send, restart my new computer, and once when windows starts the same message appeared again, I did click to not resend, and reboots again, so he decided to go to safe mode and manage off my computer.
When I restarted my PC in normal form, the same error message appears.
Please help solve this problem.
Thank you.
The system has recovered from a serious error any help
Dear Jhon Hegry,
This problem that you have submitted is occurred mainly by power failure. Please connect your device to an instant power supply.
Otherwise this problem will arise again and again. For now, please do the following to solve your problem: Reboot your computer and Go to safe mood. If you are unsure going to Safe mood, Press F8 while rebooting your computer.
After safe mood menu appears, please do not press enter.
There is an option named Windows last good configuration. Go to this menu and press enter. After your windows appear, go to your printer option placed in your system tray Open it and cancel the previous printing properties.
I think your problem is solved.
Thank you
Answered By
0 points
The system has recovered from a serious error any help
Hi Johnhegry, The system has recovered from a serious error may occur due to many reasons.
There is a possibility or multithreading not performing well or when you open many programs and computer respond slowly. Initially try to update your operating system along with Service Pack 2 if using Windows XP.
For this go to internet explorer, from menu select Tools and then press Windows Update option. First it will scan your system regarding your required updates and will recommend you regarding up gradation.
You should install SP2 along with all necessary security patches to resolve this issue.
For reference also visit this Link for Microsoft support
The system has recovered from a serious error any help
Hello Dear,
Thanks for sharing your problem with us.
Dear i have best solution for you in this regard.
This is not an error it can be called notification. Your problem is not this error. Problem is behind this error. You should use recovery option when system is booting up.
When you see the system logo then press F8 key. It will show you many booting options.
You have to choose "Last Good Known Settings" from these option.
It will restore some settings in seconds and will boot your windows.
Now when windows will log on your problem will be disappeared.