Tablet not recognised by Windows 8.1

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

I have Asus Nexus 7 Tablet, when I connect my device with my Dell Latitude Laptop running on windows 8.1 the Tablet is not recognized and it is not charging at all, when I switch it off and connect it, it is recognized as a USB device and it starts to charge, what could be the problem? How do I get this Tablet working well?

Answered By points N/A #158879

Tablet not recognised by Windows 8.1



This is the issue of the USB connection. When you connected on the first time, the connection was somehow corrupted so it became inaccessible.

When you reconnected the connection, the settings are restored and everything goes alright. So it charges and is recognized as a USB device.

You have nothing to do with this right now. If anytime this type of issue occurs, just re-connect the USB connection.

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