TCP/IP vs the OSI Model

Internet Communication Model (TCP/IP) proposes a 4 layer architecture. How do Internet layers map with the OSI model's layers?

Internet Communication Model (TCP/IP) proposes a 4 layer architecture. How do Internet layers map with the OSI model's layers?
Hi Sarah,
In the OSI model, the physical layer and the data-link layer (which are separate in TCP/IP) are combined to make one layer called the network layer. The network layer is the one that provides routing capabilities between a source and a destination in a networked environment.
How the packets are transmitted, and how the destination of the packets is determined is done in the network layer of the OSI model. This is where the switches and hubs, where you find that hubs broadcast information to all destinations that are within its reach but the switch is specific, it sends packets to a predetermined destination.
Lee Hung.